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Showing posts from February, 2024

WHAT AM I TO YOU? - metaphorical / existential poem by jrqc (explained)

What am I to you but a simple whisper that gets carried away by the breeze? Oh how I wish I was more than a clump of sand and bones, that drain through your fingers like water, but, could I just be more than existence? Tell me dear, for I long to be, for I long more than mere existence! In my dreams of dreams you kiss me,  in my dreams of dreams you exercise your power over me, and I just succumb to the temptation of your temple, I just surrender my flesh to your overpowering caprice of molding me like clay, but tell me dear, is it gratifying being the victim of such relentless temptation? What am I to you? What do you seek from me? You kiss me with your embrace, and I tremble, and I sing to escape you, and yet still you kiss my tears, so tell me my beloved,  are you here to let me go yonder where the shadows don't dare to envelop their surroundings? tell me I beg of you, for existence is vague when there is no purpose, and I long for not only the love of yours, that flesh of ...

MY PATH - written by jrqc (short poem)

I don't want to follow your path, for I already have mine,  defectuous, windy, with twists and turns here and there, yet exciting in their own rightful way, there is so much to say, there is no place for what is vain, just my wings, just my colors and my music, oh, that music that makes me soar up high, so I can reach the sun, so high in the sky. I am free in my way, I am wine, flesh and blood, part of what is above, part of what is yonder and high, and I sense it within, I sense it in my limbs. I don't want to follow your ways, for they are yours, and I am my own castle,  strong, cold and warm, I am a part of everything and nothing, I am here and I will be yonder, for what is this world, if nothing but a brief step in the mortality of our lives, in the immensity of what we are inside? Don't dwell in what is seen, but within.

REBELLION - by jrqc

"...countless times you mentioned your disbelief of achieving anything, yet here you are, immersed in colors with your wings spread wide!- oh, how relieved I am, for this merciless world of ours can make ashes those who dream of a better self..." "It has indeed been a challenging journey, I must confess, but one that was worthwhile. If I hadn't learned how to navigate and overcome the obstacles I encountered, the outcome would have been significantly different. Certainly there were moments when I sank in sorrow and my strength deserted both my heart and limbs, and it was during those times that I found the knowledge and the courage to persevere because of HIM., We are not granted any knowledge at the moment of our birth, for I believe we learn more both through His gracious mercy and our own mundane ways.." "I assume it wasn't an easy task to perform. Standing tall often requires facing defeat and acquiring humility. Qualities which are certainly hard t...