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REBELLION - by jrqc

"...countless times you mentioned your disbelief of achieving anything, yet here you are, immersed in colors with your wings spread wide!- oh, how relieved I am, for this merciless world of ours can make ashes those who dream of a better self..."

"It has indeed been a challenging journey, I must confess, but one that was worthwhile. If I hadn't learned how to navigate and overcome the obstacles I encountered, the outcome would have been significantly different. Certainly there were moments when I sank in sorrow and my strength deserted both my heart and limbs, and it was during those times that I found the knowledge and the courage to persevere because of HIM., We are not granted any knowledge at the moment of our birth, for I believe we learn more both through His gracious mercy and our own mundane ways.."

"I assume it wasn't an easy task to perform. Standing tall often requires facing defeat and acquiring humility. Qualities which are certainly hard to come by I must add. Not that it is impossible for everyone else to obtain, though certainly complicated. Many people don't seem to have the urge to learn beyond what they see or feel. I dare say they seem to be quite comfortable in their own numbness and obliviousness. I suppose they rather stay that way ... But I wonder, why did you find HIS assistance necessary? Shouldn't success be attainable through one's own efforts and will-power as well?" 

"Well, my dear, first, it is essential to embrace simplicity as a means of letting go of pretensions and pride that can corrode the heart for it is HIS principle passed onto us to do so which is logical if you consider and think about it. I, in fact, chose to adopt simplicity as an effective approach. Recognizing your strengths and abilities sets things in motion. Any action you take to achieve something you desire is valid, as long as it is morally acceptable. Anything else is beyond your control, so attempting to change something you cannot is senseless. It's like trying to extinguish the sun; it's impossible. As a second measure, HE provided me with a moral pillar, stable and robust, in the form of a human being, complete with love and flaws. I needed HIS guidance, and I found it through this remarkable person who embodies passion and mystery."

"Certainly, my affection for humans has diminished lately, given their submissive nature to their own world, their shallowness and selfishness . They seem unable to comprehend the extent of their reality or realities, and as a result, they surrender without even realizing it."

"I must say that many souls are aware of their reality. Can't you see me? I have rebelled against this world! And I will resist it until my last breath because this world's sole desire is to crush your dreams and even your soul! So, I have declared myself against it, against its banality and chaos. I am strength; I am the music that envelops everything around me. I am all seasons, making an impact in every direction, and I am myself with a sword and shield made of courage and persistence. It was through HIM, manifested in this human being, that I found the means to continue on this path. Why should one succumb to misery and sadness when, even in this chaotic world, there are still things worth fighting for?"

"I don't think there is anything in this world worth fighting for. Take a look around. Chaos, selfishness and the ridicule of their own selves. Perhaps, only Nature is the exception. Whatever remains is worthless and utterly replaceable by it."

"Not even your own self is worth fighting for? Why have you just implied "theirs" though not yours?. It is your own self and whatever beauty remains in this world worth fighting for. I hate to admit it but, there is still beauty in this chaos. So, rebel with me! You do not even need to hide nor pretend by wearing those horrid masks you possess. You don't need to carry the burden of sadness on your shoulders anymore! Clad yourself in the beauty you already possess and let the roar of your heart be heard and the shine of your smile blind everyone and the thunder of your laughter be heard!"

"Oh my lovely, certainly your words are bathed in the sweetest honey and the color they possess move me; for my imagination and soul seem to be shaken by them. My eyes get watery just by the thought of music, and light as the wind guide the motion of my wings.... I should heed them of course, for I feel they are wise. However, I will only do it for my own profit, and just to be clear, I don't imply any pettiness in my wording. Though certainly I understand one must chisel the self in order to become what the world despises, in this case, happiness and the beauty of the self. So, it is an act of rebellion of course, and one must think in oneself in order to go against all that is wordly."  

"You're indeed right. Now look at yourself. You are resplendent, you have been bathed in the realisation of the self, what more is there to be? Knowledge, passion, music...yes, the divinity of the self, love and care. So now we are rebellion in this grey beautiful world. We are wings!!."


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