You once said that we are entangled to death since the moment we are born, that we are chained to this earthly prison and that there is nothing we can possibly do about it, that all joy sinks countless times and that lovers will always mourn their dead love swallowed by neverending grief. It seems somehow that sadness in all its complexity lingers within, it extends it branches all over without distinction, with no regrets for who the victim is. Some branches seem to be so rooted that it makes the heart break, it makes it bleed tears to the point that you can barely function.
Yes, I do still remember that evening when you said that and I noticed your face sinking, your spirit broken. However, you wouldn't divulge the reason of your torment. Your beautiful darkened eyes were bloodshot and you observed me, intently, your eyebrows would frown at times and your stare would grow deeper as if trying to snatch my soul. You stood close to me, I could feel your cold breath, I could feel your breathing as you run your face against my cheeks, as your hair brushed my eyebrows. Yes, I was there.
After so many years, I still do remember that evening. It is impossible to forget or discard a memory that is basically the reason of who you currently are. That evening I drowned in your sorrow, I drank your tears and you drank mine. It was as simple as that and also because somehow I let my own sadness empower our being, our hearts and, you noticed it. I could grasp that your already spoken words meant that you were made up by them, that they shaped you and that no music, or words would ever change that.
That evening, even the moon wailed, we wailed for we became mourners, we became the creatures for which the sun refuses to shine upon, we became life and death tied up together, we became sadness, and above all, we became together despite the time, despite the years and seasons, and even despite the sun.
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