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There comes the time again. With its tight grip around the neck reminding you that the clock is ticking, and that monotony is wearing you away. Everyday seems endless and ultimately: aimless. Getting up everyday almost at the same usual time, have your regular breakfast and almost robotically, you carry on with the rest of your day just to repeat it over an dover again, day after day.

What seems to be ordinary, slowly wastes you away, gets you away from your essence, the nature of your true self.

As he was getting things ready for breakfast, these and many more thoughts cascaded in his mind, powerfully and in torrents, to the point that he began to feel helpless and rather annoyed. While looking away thoughtfully at the view from his kitchen window, the frying pan with a couple of eggs in it, let him know that if he didn’t remove them from the pan, they would get awfully burnt. And it was in that moment, like a flash of thoughts, that he sprang up from the chair, put the couple of eggs and two slices of toast in a container, filled up his white thermos with hot, sugarless coffee with milk and went to his room. Considering the lack of material belongings that he had, he rapidly got hold of some clothes, personal hygiene items, his laptop, tablet and phone and almost erratically stuffed his backpack with them. Immediately, he took his minivan keys and as he was walking down the stairs, he could not help but feeling exhilaration and excitement at what he was doing. Up to a certain extent a decision that, to many of his friends and relatives, would be so unlike his nature.

He opened the door of his minivan and started driving away, without destination. He was leaving, and all he could see in that moment was that: leaving. As some song with an 80s beat filled in, he felt a sense of freedom. Definitely a heavy burden was lifted off his shoulder. None of this would have happened if he had carried out his regular day, and he didn’t regret it. What for? In the end, he was doing something that deep inside, or perhaps not so deep, he wanted to do: leave it all behind.

Deep on the road and surrounded by trees on each side, he reflected on his lack of fear and anticipation on what was to come. Under other circumstances, it would have overpowered him. But not this time. High in the open sky, the sun was shining, and the breeze caressed his face while messing up his curly brown hair a bit as he was driving. A little up ahead he noticed a clearance and decided to pull over. He got out of the car, briefly examined the surroundings, and took some of the food he had already packed up before. Sitting down on a rock by a pond, he could feel that the air was fresher and the only sound to be heard was that of the nature itself. The feeling of peace in that moment, could not be compared to anything else he had experienced before. It was tranquil and filled with power at the same time, it was liberating and reconciling. Being part of something that could be sensed, smelled, and felt and at the same time being softly pulled inside that feeling was simply priceless. Why on earth are we so blind inside and all that we realize and acknowledge is concrete and shallowness? He thought he could do without the rest of the world, that he could spread his wings to new horizons and experience whatever else he had never had before. In the end, there was nothing else right then and there that he could have asked for.

He took off his clothes carefully, looking around to make sure that he was the only person around. An action he thought was ludicrous taking into consideration that he was basically in the middle of nowhere. A beautiful nowhere. He folded his clothes while smirking at the fact the was going to go for a dip and that there was nobody else to be seen. Just him and a huge number of tall evergreens and other kinds of trees that were as guardians of the place. He treaded his way through the pebbled ground in direction to the shore. The sensation was not only rough but also exciting since it was something he had probably done once or twice in his childhood. He tipped his toes into the water while trying to keep his balance. The water slipping through his wiggling toes felt a bit cold, but he didn’t care. Slowly, he continued walking a little further. The water felt fresh as it caressed his body, it felt like silk, it felt refreshing. He breathed in and submerged his body in it. As he spread his arms in the water, he could hear the muffled bubbling sound it made. Musical water, welcoming him in its realm of calmness.

Sticking out his head out of the water, he heard the music of nature around him, as if it had been perfectly orchestrated with the chirping of birds and the whispering breeze as the green leaves of the trees danced in unison. What a magnificent feeling and thing to be witness of. He looked up at the sky, his body resting in a blanket of water and a feeling of belonging took over him. He was part of that moment, of everything surrounded him, nothing else, nothing less. He was part of something that although unfamiliar he did know it. It seemed contradicting and yet logical, he thought.

After taking in the most of that wonderful moment and swimming in circles here and there, he slowly swam back to the shore and sat again at the rock by the lake while soaking up the sun and all around him. He became aware that in that moment, all was left behind and that he didn’t need anything or anybody else. A little later, after the sun had dried off the last drops of water in his body, he put his clothes back on and continued in direction of his minivan. He looked up ahead the road and saw nothing, just trees to the sides and the white stripes marked up on the road inviting him to continue. He smiled as he pushed away his hair from his forehead. There was no plan to stick to, just the welcoming invitation of life to carry on, to keep on getting that connection he felt at the lake and to try the hardest to make it stronger, and perhaps everlasting.

He got in his car and looked at the spot he had just been at. He smiled at it once more as if saying goodbye and giving thanks for letting him be part of it. A few minutes later, he played some music to boost even more his spirits and drove off, leaving a trail of dust behind him. A new world unfolded before him, a feeling of being in control took over and alongside the most important feeling of them all: freedom.



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