Never mind about love and its lies,
Mind about its kiss in a cold night,
For its kiss is disguised in cowardice,
Mind about its sword,
For love doesn’t carry it for defense,
But for betrayal enveloped in words.
Never mind about love’s gifts,
Mind about the intentions behind it,
For like a poem with honey-like words they
Yet soon love itself will bring cold tears upon
your eyes,
For love is blinded, selfish and thoughtless,
For it loves killing what it loves,
With words,
With indifference,
With swords.
Never mind about love’s love,
Mind about the fragility surrounding it,
The instability that seeded and bloomed from its
Mind about its beliefs,
For they are weak,
And the tides of change shake them,
And once corrupted, it will never be as it used to
Never mind about love’s enchantment,
For it is built upon a mirage,
and its music plays along with decadence,
sprinkling tears, devastating souls, and
shattering hearts.
Take heed of my words my beloved one,
For they speak of truth,
For I bear the wounds of love upon my heart, upon
my weary eyes,
Upon my broken soul.
These wounds so fresh still burden my spirits,
Love’s hatred has found a victim in me,
It has drained my heart,
It has enchained my soul to loneliness and misery,
And the music it once played has ceased,
And the flowers it gave me perfumed with the most
exquisite of fragrances have withered,
And the future it once promised me vanished right
before my eyes,
And my whole existence grew bleak and dark,
For love kissed me in betrayal,
It put its swords through my heart,
And bathed its words with honey and lies,
And then it whispered them to my ears,
And from my eyes flowed tears,
Flooding and drowning my spirits in utter darkness
and misery.
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