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BEING HAPPY - Can you? - article by jrqc

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No. There isn't much time to do everything you want to do. But, I would there say that there is and should be gratitude for what you are, what you have and what you can do, and make the most of what is at your disposal materialistically and personally. 

Why would you say that you are not happy enough to be celebrating? Aren't you breathing? Don't you have people who genuinely care about you? Who love you? Don't you have a roof over your head and food on your table? Don't you? And no!, it doesn't sound cliche to say something that many have already said plenty of times. It is cliche not to realize the meaning of those words or not to acknowledge the truth in them. That is cliche!

Saying you wouldn't be celebrating because you aren't happy is... selfish! There! I said it! You are selfish. So basically your definition of being happy resides only on having a lot of money clothes and a car... is that it? Now, that is selfish. Are you  so blind by the lights of this world that you can't see further and that you cannot see even within you? 

No, I am not telling you off, I am not even trying to tell you off. Is  just that I wish we were all less focused on the shallowness of society and its demands... It might sound stupid, but, wouldn't it be easier if we all did our best to have better relationships, to be more creative, to help each other? The reality is further from the truth because people prefer to be blindfolded by this world making it easier to ignore and even deny our own essence, that is, that we can be loving, we can create and we can have a better society. But no! Pointing fingers at everyone, criticizing and outcasting seems much easier and the rule of thumb. And then there is the premise "I am not happy". Well, then learn how to recognize from the heart what is around you and who you are as an individual and you will see. Do it. Do it with sincerity and stay in touch with your spiritual being and anchor to it. 

Furthermore, having what we call the basics in life such as food, and a bed is a starting point, considering that there are millions of souls out there who don't even have that. We are blessed to breathe life and to be capable of loving and do fantastic things when we want to. A lot of brothers and sisters don't even have a slice of bread and a roof over their heads and still many of them are still hopeful about the betterment of their condition. 

So next time you eat something, you learn something useful think about how fortunate you are. Go ahead and spread your joy and if whenever you are in difficulties, do not despair, rely on hope and love and do not give up. Life is too short to get overtaken and overshadowed by problems. Take it as a lesson and that you are on a test that you must pass and learn from that. There is always something positive out of a negative and there is always light at the end of the tunnel and be happy.


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