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I JUST WISH, I JUST WISH FOR...I DON'T KNOW - written by jrqc (analysis included)

I woke up and felt like writing a little bit. I hope you enjoy it. 
A short analysis about the text is right under it. 

I wish, I just wish for...I don't know,

I just wish all the blinding light imprisoned within me burst out with the force and roar of a volcano, 

and that my muffled cries and tears could transform into oceans,

I just wish, I just wish for my immortal soul to be released from this temple of yours, 
yet my time is not yet to come, and my understanding, capricious, doesn't seem to understand,

let your light shine like a beacon of hope to which my constitution would long for, 
to which I would go to, even in the darkest hours, even when the moon wails at night.

I wish I could transform my strength into summer storm, mighty and powerful, quenching your thirst, calming your squirmy soul.

Let me be a storm, made of iron and stone, 

so I can subjugate my sadness as the day dies out in a sunset,

and that just by drawing you in the wind,

you would come to me, wrapped in clouds and vapor, bathed in daisies and roses. 

I just wish my paths led me to your heart and perfume mine with your scent,

I just wish my tears were droplets of hope to see you one day at sunrise,

and with you in solace dwell, yet all I have is my reverie, and tumbled feelings, 

and my doleful masquerade, I shall replace, for rapture and a storm.

I just wish, I just wish for...I don't know.


This writing is a poetic expression of intense emotions, desires, and longings. It is written from the perspective of my experience of deep emotional pain and my longing for release and connection with someone else.

I use vivid metaphors throughout the text to convey emotions and wishes. For example, I compare my inner turmoil to a volcano and their tears to oceans, expressing a desire to release and transform my emotions into something powerful and transformative. I also express a desire to be a source of strength and comfort for the person addressed as "you," and I hope that their paths will lead them to each other.

Overall, the writing conveys a sense of longing, yearning, and a desire for deeper emotional connections and experiences. It is open to interpretation, and different readers may relate to the emotions and experiences expressed in their own unique ways.

The text also contains several metaphors that I use to vividly describe my emotions and desires.

In the first stanza, I describe my emotional state as "blinding light imprisoned within me" and I express a desire for this inner turmoil to be unleashed with "the force and roar of a volcano." These metaphors convey a sense of intense emotions and a longing for release.

I also compares their tears to oceans, suggesting that my emotions are vast and deep. This metaphor emphasizes the magnitude of their emotional pain and longing.

In the second stanza, I use several metaphors to express my desire for connection with the person addressed as "you." For example, I wish to be a "beacon of hope" and a "storm made of iron and stone" that can offer strength and comfort. I also hope that "their" paths will lead them to "your heart" and that their tears will be "droplets of hope" to see "you one day at sunrise."

I use metaphorical language to describe their current state of mind. I refer to my "understanding" as "capricious" and describe my emotions as a "doleful masquerade" that I wish to replace with "rapture and a storm." These metaphors suggest a sense of confusion, uncertainty, and a desire for change.

Overall, the metaphors in this text contribute to its emotional intensity and convey a sense of longing, desire, and yearning for deeper connections and experiences.


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