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WHAT NOT TO DO WHEN WRITING (for fce, adv, ielts, etc)

Are you thinking of taking an English test? 

Cambridge Examinations, including The First Certificate in English (FCE) is a widely recognized English language qualification that demonstrates a high level of proficiency in English. Of course there are other ones such as IELTS, EGE, ESO , etc, but the point is that they also follow a similar format and set of rules to those of Cambridge. One of the most challenging aspects of these examinations is the writing section, in which you have to demonstrate your ability to write coherently and accurately in a range of styles and formats. However, there are several common mistakes that students make when approaching the writing section. In this article, we will highlight what not to do and provide examples to help you avoid these mistakes.

1) Essay Writing

One of the most common mistakes students make in the essay writing section of the FCE is failing to structure their essay properly. Students often fail to plan their essay or do not include all the necessary components, such as an introduction, body, and conclusion. As a result, their essay may lack coherence and clarity. For example:

Bad Example: The world is full of different cultures. Some people think that it is important to preserve these cultures, while others think that they should be allowed to evolve. In my opinion, we should respect and celebrate cultural diversity.

In this example, the writer has failed to structure their essay properly. There is no clear introduction or conclusion, and the main point is not adequately supported in the body of the essay.

What to do: To avoid this mistake, you should spend time planning your essay before you start writing. You need to ensure that you have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, and that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and supporting evidence.

2) Report Writing

You are often required to analyze data or information and present your findings in a clear and concise manner. One common mistake students make in this section is failing to present the information in a logical and easy-to-understand way. For example:

Bad Example: The data shows that sales have decreased over the past year. There are many reasons for this, such as the economy and changes in customer behavior. Overall, the company needs to do more to improve sales.

In this example, the writer has failed to present the information in a clear and concise manner. The report lacks a clear structure and does not provide enough detail to support the main point.

What to do: To avoid this mistake,  focus on presenting the information in a logical and easy-to-understand way. Use headings and subheadings to break up the report and provide clear and concise summaries of the data.

3) Letter Writing

Here, you are required to write a formal or informal letter to a specific person or group. One common mistake students make in this section is failing to address the letter correctly or using inappropriate language. For example:

Bad Example: Hey, what's up? I just wanted to say thanks for the party last night. It was really cool. See you soon.

In this example, the writer has used inappropriate language and failed to address the letter correctly. The tone of the letter is too informal, and the writer has not provided enough context for the reader to understand the purpose of the letter.

What to do: To avoid this mistake, you need to ensure that you address the letter correctly and use appropriate language for the intended audience. Don't forget to provide enough context for the reader to understand the purpose of the letter and include a clear sign-off.

4) Article

When writing an article, it's important to remember that you're writing for a specific audience. Avoid being too general or broad, and instead focus on a specific topic or issue. Another common mistake is using overly casual language, such as slang or abbreviations. Remember to keep the tone appropriate for the audience and purpose of the article. Finally, don't forget to include a clear introduction and conclusion to your article.

Last but not least, don't forget to keep on practising for your exams, or just because of the sake of it. If you are into writing, then try to do it as frequently as possible, read as much as possible as well so you can boost up your vocab and reading skills simultaneously.

Since I am a teacher with over 13 years of experience, I can give you a hand. Just contact me using the contact form and I'll get in touch  with you.

Good luck!


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