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EMBRACING SORROW'S DEATH - poem (metaphors, evokative language and analysis) written by jrqc

Walking through the moors I lay my sorrow to rest underground, 

letting the earth swallow its flesh, bones and stones,

while I water the ground with my tears, my tears that once were hers,

now trickle down my cheeks in freedom, longing, drying away.

I look up at the moon, wailing she was,

for the sepulchre of her sister has been made,

she, sorrow, lays in rest, 

and  no more is heard of her, 

not a whisper, not a gasp, nothing,

so she bathes her with her light of consolation at night,

and it is her who now, covered with a crown of stars, weeps at night, in a velvety sky.

I have laid you to rest my once beloved companion, 

for in your cold embrace, you made me warm with your pain,

I release you once and for all, 

for there no more of you I wish for. 


This is a poem I have written with a reflective and introspective tone. It explores themes of sorrow, loss, letting go, and finding solace in nature and the night sky. The imagery (on which I 100% rely on) and language used evoke a sense of melancholy and emotional depth. My intention is to take you (the reader) on a journey through my emotions as they confront and release their sorrow, symbolically burying it in the earth and finding a new connection with the moon and stars.


Setting and Imagery: 

The poem begins with the speaker walking through moors, which are often associated with desolation and isolation. This setting helps create a somber atmosphere that aligns with the theme of sorrow. The imagery of laying sorrow to rest underground and watering the ground with tears is symbolic of a cathartic release, a letting go of pain.


The moon is personified as "wailing" and "bathing" the sepulchre of her sister with light of consolation. This personification adds a layer of depth to the emotional narrative, emphasizing the moon's role as a source of comfort and reflection. Also, because when I write, I personify emotions as either protagonists or background characters, since they are not only emotions, but main elements of cause and action in my writing.

Emotional Transformation:

The poem captures an emotional transformation from grief to acceptance. The act of laying the once beloved companion to rest signifies a final release from the pain. The shift from "you made me warm with your pain" to "no more of you I wish for" indicates the speaker's readiness to move forward.

Language and Tone: 

The language used is poetic and rich in metaphorical imagery. The tone is melancholic, but there's also a sense of resolution and acceptance. The repetition of words and phrases like "tears," "lay to rest," and "night" adds emphasis and reinforces the emotional journey.

Tips for Writing a Similar Text:

Choose Evocative Imagery: 

Use vivid and evocative imagery to create a strong visual and emotional impact. Paint a picture with words that allows the reader to feel the atmosphere and emotions of the scene.

Establish a Theme: 

Decide on a central theme or emotion you want to convey. It could be sorrow, loss, healing, transformation, or any other introspective emotion. Build your text around this theme to create a cohesive narrative.

Employ Symbolism:

Utilize symbolism to convey deeper meanings and add layers to your text. Symbolism can help readers connect with the underlying emotions and messages.

Experiment with Personification: 

Personifying natural elements or abstract concepts can add depth to your text. Giving emotions and objects human-like qualities can create a more relatable and engaging experience.

Use Repetition for Emphasis: 

Repetition of certain words or phrases can create a rhythmic flow and emphasize key points in your text. It can also contribute to the overall mood and tone.

Capture Emotion Through Tone: 

Pay attention to the tone of your writing. The choice of words, sentence structure, and rhythm can all contribute to the emotional impact of your text.

Create a Narrative Arc: 

Develop a clear beginning, middle, and end to your text. Take your readers on a journey of emotions, thoughts, or experiences, and provide a sense of resolution or realization by the conclusion.

Experiment with Structure:

Play with the structure of your text, such as stanza length, line breaks, and punctuation. The visual layout of the text can enhance its meaning and rhythm.

Edit and Revise:

Like any form of writing, revising and editing are crucial. Review your text for clarity, coherence, and impact. Make sure each word serves a purpose and contributes to the overall effect.

Invoke Empathy:

Connect with your readers' emotions by writing from a place of authenticity and vulnerability. When readers can relate to your emotions, they are more likely to be engaged and moved by your writing.

Remember, the key to writing in this genre is to evoke emotions and create a sensory experience for your readers. Experiment with language, imagery, and structure to craft a text that resonates on an emotional level.


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