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THE LAKE - (narrative prose example by jrqc)

After a period of pondering thoughts, ideas and projects, David seized the opportunity to embark in a journey of self-improvement. Undoubtedly an endeavor which will not take place overnight, yet the very notion and intention marked a significant stride forward, irrespective of other's perceptions. Ultimately, he was the author of his own narrative, responsible for setting his life's course in motion. 

On that particular evening he ensured a calm and composed demeanor. In fact, he was excited about it all, as if a gust of fresh air had entered the room bringing along whispers of hope and good omen while the sun reigned above a painted-blue sky. 

A single droplet of sweat traced a path down his cheek until it delicately landed upon the wooden surface of the coffin he labored to carry through the sands. The weight of its contents caught him off guard. He meticulously arranged the memories and thoughts within, safeguarding them from spilling out of their wooden vessel. Some memories held bitterness and thorns, while others were painfully agonizing. It was at this moment that he fully realized the burden he had borne for the majority of his life. In letting go of such a burden, a moment of solace emerged.

He trudged toward the murky lake, its waters cloaked in forgetfulness. The surrounding sand bore a somber, dark grey hue, nearly lifeless. The air was still, the towering trees motionless. Despite the static atmosphere, he was entranced by the overwhelming relief that swept over him, rejuvenating his spirit. There existed no apprehension about bidding farewell to these memories, no concern for their potential unavailability in the future. With determination, he conveyed the coffin to a boat moored by a wooden pole at the shoreline.

Amidst his labored breaths, he noticed the absence of echoes and the dampening of sound as he withdrew the oars from the water's embrace. The entire surroundings seemed to be draped in silence. Upon reaching the lake's center, he beheld the coffin. Its lid opened, revealing his memories one final time. He glimpsed himself evolving into a stronger, wiser, and more empowered version, exhibiting greater mastery over his life's course. His form had transformed, his wisdom radiating from his eyes and heart. Empowered by this metamorphosis, he kissed Death and wielded a cold dagger.

Summoning his strength, he dispatched the coffin to the lake's heart, giving rise to bubbles that burst upon the surface. A grin adorned his face, his eyes wide and a restrained tear tracing a path down his cheek. A sensation of weightlessness enveloped him, his body almost buoyant, his heart pulsating with life. His existence overflowed with vitality, his cup brimming. It was accomplished. It was complete. It was done.


This narrative prose is a reflective and metaphorical piece that explores themes of self-improvement, letting go of burdens, transformation, and embracing change. It delves into the journey of a character named David as he takes steps towards personal growth and sheds the weight of past memories. Therefore, I have used vivid imagery and symbolism to convey the emotional and transformative aspects of this journey.

I was driven to write this piece as a way to capture the universal experience of personal growth and transformation. The idea of embarking on a journey to improve oneself, letting go of the past, and embracing change is something that resonates with many people. 

By using evocative language and powerful imagery, I aimed to create a text that would resonate with readers on an emotional level, sparking introspection and reflection. The metaphor of carrying memories in a coffin and releasing them into a lake of forgetfulness represents the cathartic release of the past, allowing for personal growth and renewal. Overall, my goal was to create a piece that not only tells a compelling story but also invites readers to consider their own journeys of self-improvement and transformation.


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