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NOVELTY IN HUMAN CREATION: IS THERE SUCH A THING? - by jrqc (essay and vocabulary for English learners)

An idea arises; it pops in your head. Thoughts spring from it, either evolving into reality or dwindling until they perish. The same applies to the comprehension of a notion. It surfaces in our minds only to be eventually shelved, either due to irrelevance or because it has previously been contemplated without yielding results. There exists a certain element of creativity and thoughtful discussion that stimulates our capacities and skills in this creative process of thought. It is a captivating endeavor to contemplate, for instance, a philosophical idea, along with its utility, repercussions, and the potential results we may achieve. However, a more formidable question looms: Has this new "idea" already been conceived by someone else?

My point is straightforward. I believe that a lot, if not everything, has been said and thought of, and we continue to grapple with the same unanswered questions and notions. Queries such as "Why are we here?" "What's my purpose?" "Is this reality?" persist, along with a plethora of ideas spanning writing, poetry, and general inventions. Is there anything truly new? I doubt it. I am of the opinion that we are merely recycling the same ideas repeatedly. We find ourselves in a loop where everything appears predetermined, leaving little room for more creativity and originality. While we are undoubtedly capable of such feats, asserting that something "new" has been created is challenging.

So, if everything has been said and words have already been written, what is left to learn anew? What is there to "create"? I see no other way forward but to explore and experience the process of thought and creation through our personal senses, skills, and abilities. Will the outcome be something entirely new and innovative? Perhaps it will (or won't). Nonetheless, the experience and the emotions felt through the process, engaging all our senses, will undoubtedly bring a sense of accomplishment and reward. Consider Mary, who possesses musical skills. She decides to create a piece inspired by her own ideas. What are the chances that her piece will bear similarities, to some extent, to those created by other composers? Do you think she will produce something entirely unique? My response to these questions is a simple "no." Similarly, if she has a talent for the written word and decides to write a book (in any genre), will the plot be something that has never been written of before? The only aspect I would derive from that situation is her writing style and her ability to communicate ideas. Otherwise, I would lean toward the notion that the plot would be similar to others because it has already been written about.

I reluctantly conclude that we are left only with the experience of reliving something that has been created before, and we might harbor a perhaps false sense of achievement in the result of something "innovative." Those fortunate are the individuals whose unique creations shape generations after them. Perhaps, someday, someone in the current time will prove otherwise and shake things up a little bit.

written by jrqc

Key Vocabulary and Meaning:

Meaning: Emerges or comes into existence.
Use: "An idea arises; it pops into your head."

Meaning: Gradually diminishing or fading away.
Use: "Thoughts either evolve into reality or dwindle until they perish."

Meaning: Understanding or grasping mentally.
Use: "The same applies to the comprehension of a notion."

Meaning: Put aside or set aside for later.
Use: "It surfaces in our minds only to be eventually shelved."

Meaning: Lack of importance or significance.
Use: "Shelved away because it is irrelevant."

Meaning: Thought about or considered deeply.
Use: "...because it has previously been contemplated without yielding results."

Meaning: A component or aspect.
Use: "There exists a certain element of creativity and thoughtful discussion."

Meaning: Abilities or capabilities.
Use: "...that stimulates our capacities and skills in this creative process and of thought."

Meaning: A serious and determined effort.
Use: "It is a captivating endeavor to contemplate, for instance, a philosophical idea..."

Meaning: Consequences or effects.
Use: "...along with its utility, repercussions, and the potential results."

Meaning: Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, or intense.
Use: "However, a more formidable question looms..."

Meaning: Continue to exist or endure over time.
Use: "...with a plethora of ideas persisting in writing, poetry, and general inventions."

Meaning: A sequence of events that is continually repeated.
Use: "...we find ourselves in a loop where everything appears predetermined."

Meaning: Introducing something new or original.
Use: "...something 'new' has been created in terms of the ideology of people is challenging."

Meaning: To obtain or extract from a source.
Use: "The only aspect I would derive from that situation is her writing style."

Meaning: Hesitant or unwilling.
Use: "I reluctantly conclude that we are left only with the experience of reliving something..."


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