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THE VOICE (of faith and evil) - written by jrqc (philosophical literature - fiction)


THE VOICE (of faith and evil)

"I believe the world itself can blind you with its banal sweet-honey taste, making you forget who you truly are. It's so easy to fall for it without even realizing about it. Sometimes I so hate it!" Thought he while staring at the gloomy morning that somehow felt as if carrying a burden of pessimism on its shoulders. 

"I'd say that this world itself makes your spirit bloom in its rightful and truthful nature" a faint voice whispered, hollowed and distant. "Besides, what would you be if it wasn't for this world that you somehow have conquered and shaped to your own convenience?. This world, as you put it, has not left you out, furthermore it has complied to your wishes and whims". The soft tone of the whispering voice added.

"There you are wrong! We know perfectly well that I am what I am through my God-given free will and that it is through HIS help that I have lived and experienced things out of HIS mercy so that I could shape my personality to my betterment as a human being, and that is something that you have thrown away because of a whim. It is HIM who has given me the chance to become better. But I guess that despite your knowledge, that notion escapes your understanding since you're not human!." His voice was audibly authoritative and self-assured.

"Are you denying that despite your sins, despite your faults and defects, somehow you have taken advantage of what this world has provided you with? I'd dare say that you would enjoy even more its riches should they were given you regardless of your growth as a human being. It is certainly a fact!. Certainly I am not human, and am thankful for that. Though my oh my… how I do know you all!!." The voice said somewhat cunningly.

"I don't deny my sins. That'd be senseless! HE knows how imperfect I am… HE knows my confessions. You shouldn't mix things up around here, but I know how good you're at it, right?. Also, taking advantage in order to become better spiritually, to learn from experiences and mistakes and even to realize about my sins so as not to keep on falling into them, is certainly taking advantage of the situation. What profit would I get if I wrongfully make the most of a situation and I didn't do anything beneficial for my soul and above all, didn't do anything to please HIM? Now, that IS senseless!" He said.  

"You seem to be so certain about your argument. However, I do believe you have forgotten a couple of key ingredients here. As you know, this world has wonderful and astonishing things for you to take and live and experience, as long as, of course, everything runs smoothly in your favor. There is two things I have just mentioned, and they are something that please me, even when I am sad and all gloomy like this cloudy morning which is about to cry." The voice was at this point abandoning its whispering tone and becoming more audibly real… more …. human…

At this moment he perceived something no less than confusion and curiosity. To which he enquired a simple: "What're you talking about?... What do you mean?"

"Pain and sorrow… Have you called your dear mother yet?" Said the voice bluntly. The tone was dry as if nothing mattered. Indifferent. 

He could not react properly in those first few seconds as images of his mother came running in his head in cascades. He could visualize his mother as if bed-ridden unable to perform any physical movement but with a harrowed stare in her frightened eyes. Her gaunt facial expression showed nothing but a muffled fear and consternation.

"See? I knew how much you had forgotten about those two!" claimed the voice blissfully. "You know… it still fascinates me how human beings get thrilled when things run in their favor. Take blissfulness out of the equation and magically you get anger…sadness and my favorite: Damnation!. Why? Just because they cannot defeat their actual instinct of hate and selfishness and thus I get something valuable out of it."

"Don't you dare! You have no power over her, you have no power over me for it's HIM above who has it. It is HIM who owns me and her! Leave her alone!". Drastically he showed anger and powerlessness which of course were not ignored by the voice. 

"Are you certain? Your words do seem hollow and meaningless. You doubt yourself…  always have, even more in this moment for your words are pervaded with anger… and is not that also a horrible sin? I do not mind it. I would even encourage you to set it free… to let it fly!" Calmly added the voice.

"You tainted awful thing! Leave her!!!!" his voice turned into desperation as the images were filled with pain and he could see his mother stretching out her arm as if trying to reach out to him. "Please, leave her alone!" he said desperately. 

"Has the word "please" just slipped out of your mouth? How fascinating that is!" he exclaimed. "hmm, and I thought you would have called HIM, and yet, here you are, begging me! Hah!." the voice scuffed. "Is the world still as marvelous and filled with wonderful experiences for you to learn?." The voice taunted him. At that moment, the air turned heavy and dark. The voice raised powerful and authoritative saying:




The voice shouted loudly and proudly that even a tremble shook the windows' crystals and all around the room. 

"You aren't! You're also under HIS command and HIS will. Are you showing naiveness or stupidity by pretending HE isn't seeing us in this very second?" He affirmed defiantly.

"Are you so awfully proud that you dare to pretend to know what HE does or does not do? Who are you but nothing more than a filthy bag of bones and rotten flesh? You proud thing!" said the voice despitefully.

"I know, because HE is my Father and my Provider, and it is HE who commands you, not myself… not even yourself! So be gone you filthy creature for it is HIM who commands you! It is HIM who orders you to go back to the profoundest of your dark pit and stay there! Be gone in the name of GOD who commands you!" Said he faithfully and authoritative. 

After a moment, the rain started to fall and thunder could be heard and lightning could be seen flashing. He kneeled down and begged GOD ALMIGHTY to guard him and to forgive his trespasses. He sensed his voice soothing his troubled mind, and his body, which trembled still.


I have written a piece of fiction, specifically falling into the genre of spiritual and philosophical literature. I explore inner thoughts, struggles, and beliefs, with a focus on themes related to spirituality, free will, and the battle between good and evil. The use of dialogue as the primary narrative device adds a theatrical element to the text, heightening the emotional intensity and allowing you, the reader, to witness the internal conflict faced by the protagonist.

Overall, it combines elements of drama, introspection, and philosophical inquiry.


Dialogue-driven: The text primarily relies on dialogues to convey the thoughts and emotions of the characters involved, creating an intense and engaging exchange between them.

Spiritual and philosophical themes: The text explores concepts of human nature, free will, the role of a higher power (God), and the struggle between good and evil.

Imagery: The writer employs vivid imagery to describe emotions, settings, and the characters' internal states, adding depth and intensity to the narrative.

Conflict and tension: The opposing views of the characters create tension, drawing the reader into the internal battle faced by the protagonist.

Emotional intensity: The text evokes strong emotions, ranging from self-doubt and anger to desperation and devotion, capturing the raw essence of human experience.

What makes it outstanding:

The text stands out for its profound exploration of existential and spiritual themes, creating a rich and emotionally charged dialogue that immerses readers in the protagonist's internal struggle. The contrast between the two voices, one representing human nature and growth, and the other representing darker desires, adds depth and complexity to the narrative.

The use of imagery enhances the reader's understanding of the character's emotions and mental state. The shift from whispered tones to more audibly real, human-like voices further intensifies the dramatic nature of the conversation.

The climax of the text, where the protagonist boldly confronts the malevolent voice in the name of God, is powerful and gripping, highlighting themes of faith, redemption, and the triumph of good over evil.

Overall, the text's ability to engage the reader through compelling dialogues, philosophical depth, and emotional resonance makes it outstanding and memorable.


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